Quick Payday Loans
Quick payday loans are a wonderful gift given to us by Him... if you are willing to give up your preconceived notions and embrace the concept of a higher power... or an intelligent design, if you will.
For Me, Quick Payday Loans Were A Boon From Heaven!
The story of quick payday loans and one woman's struggle
The Lord had provided so many things in my life, often just in the nick of time, that I was surprised he wasn't providing in this case. "Lord," I complained one day, "I don't understand what's wrong. You know I can't drive on the slick roads. I can walk to and from work, but it will be late at night when I get off, and not safe walking that far. I can't seem to do anything by myself to get enough extra money. I've even looked at payday loans to try to get by!"
I worked in a retail toy store that sold at discount prices, and they naturally couldn't pay high wages. I was barely getting by. I prayed and 'complained' for a few minutes before the Lord could get me to listen. Then I heard the still small voice. Look at quick payday loans.
I'm always faithful to do my part, when my people are faithful to do their part, he said, and a "picture" of a situation at work flashed in my mind.
Ouch! It was like when a father gives that certain look to a child who's acting up -- the child knows just exactly what that look means. I knew instantly what the Lord was trying to tell me and where I had failed and how to use quick payday loans to help me live a better life.
"I'm sorry, Lord. I haven't been a very good example, have I?! Tell me more about quick payday loans!" And he did.
I went to work that Saturday, and trusted the Lord to bring a certain person to me while I was counting money from the previous day's sales. Throughout the day, managers and assistant managers came into the locked safe room where I was working, with each hour's money drop. Finally, in the early afternoon, the particular assistant the Lord was dealing with me about came on duty and her turn came to make the drop. All this money reminded me of the back room of a fast payday loans place.
... the long overdue quick payday loan apology ...
"I owe you an apology," I said to her after she'd locked the safe.
"What do you mean?" she asked me, surprised.
"Well, I got in trouble last night with the big boss," I said, smiling and pointing upward. "He talked to me about quick payday loans and how they can help people like me
She laughed. She was an admitted agnostic, and we'd had plenty of conversations about the Lord over the past few months. I'd told her about him being so real in my life, and my very dearest friend, and what the Bible says about man outside of God. She'd said she was searching, but as an intellectual, she had a real hard time accepting that there was this big, unseen God out there somewhere. Similarly, she had a tough time believing that quick online payday loans were recommended to me by any sort of higher power. She's a skeptic, and will always be. It's not her fault, it's just how she was raised. I have to tell myself this...
"I was sort of complaining about a certain need in my life not being met. I didn't hear an 'audible' voice with my physical ears, but just as clear as could be, the Lord spoke to my heart and said, 'I'm always faithful to do my part, when my people are faithful to do their part.'
"At the same time, I had a picture come to my mind of the way I've been here at work lately."
Here saga of quick payday loans continues
I felt a little sheepish, and probably looked it as I said, "I've been telling you all about the good things God has done in my life, and how he's been such a good provider and everything. But lately, I've been sort of caught up in the general conversations around here about the 'discount wages' and stuff like that. I've done a lot of 'grumbling' myself, when I know better. God said he would take care of me, and he always has. This time it was with quick payday loans.
"Anyway, I haven't been a very good example of a Christian, and I apologize," I finished. "I used one of the quick payday loans I got to put the money I stole back into the safe."
"Thank god for you getting a quick payday loan. Otherwise you'd be bunking with Big Ethel tonight."
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